Riding the hype wave around humanoid robots, I built Arnie — my personal humanoid bot, created purely to satisfy my urge to tinker with cool things. But once the build was complete, I had a Scarecrow wanted a brain moment — except I had no way to give my new friend a sophisticated AI-powered mind.
The only [A]I I had was my own brain, so I decided to connect Arnie directly to it and bring him to life. By pure chance, I stumbled upon Azeron controllers, and then it hit me — what if I used two Azeron controllers to sync my 10 fingers with all of Arnie’s muscles?
The result? You can see it in the video below. Enjoy!
I didn't expect that it would be that hard, to be honest 😄
Before and after Arnie, I worked on a lot of different projects. But my biggest achievement is Robomates—adorable mini-bots with real battles, strategy, and charm!
Very soon, I’ll be officially unveiling them to the world. Follow on Instagram and Discord so you don’t miss out.
This is going to be WOW!